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中文 从语言经济原则的角度看《论语》的英译
英文 A Study on C-E Translations of The Analects
--From the Perspective of the Economy Principle of Language
学生姓名 杜xx 专业 英语 年级 20xx级
指导教师 xx 职称   单位  
毕业论文写作时间 2014年1月1日 至 2014年5月13日
Significance of this Study
The Analects is a master work of quotation in ancient China, containing a rich philosophical idea of Chinese tradition. Therefore, a great number of C-E translations of The Analects sprang up over the past three hundred years since 1691. However, the quality of the translations were various and not desirable for the diversification of translation method. It is necessary to explore a common standard in C-E translation of The Analects. At the meanwhile, a new research perspective in C-E translation about Chinese classics is brought by this study.
Research Status
The C-E translation research on The Analects has a long history. In the past time, various theories have been adopted into the studies on the translation of The Analects from different perspective. However, the translation research on The Analects adopting linguistic theories just came forth in the past several years, among which the systemic functional linguistics theory is mainly involved.
Additionally, the application of EPL to translation studies, including translation studies on news, laws and academic paper, was appeared in the past few years. Although the EPL has been developed for a long time, the Study on C-E Translations of The Analects--From the Perspective of the Language Economy Principle of (LEP) is yet a new topic.
Content (Research Questions)
1.      Origin and Development of LEP
2.      Viability of Application of LEP to the Translation of The Analects
3.      The General Principles in Translating The Analects from the Perspective of the LEP
Expected Aims
1.      To Prove the Viability of Application of LEP to the Translation of The Analects by Analyzing the Language Characteristics of The Analects with the Development of LEP
2.      To Demonstrate the Five Principles of LEP reflect the General Principles in Translating The Analects by Case Study
Difficulty Anticipation
1.      The examples in Case Study is limited which may leads to a failure of accuracy of the results
Based on LEP, this study proposes to prove the viability of application of LEP to the translation of The Analects by combining language characteristic analysis of The Analects with the development of LEP introduction, and then goes further to demonstrate that the Five Principles of LEP (Principle of General Equilibrium; Principle of Common Context; Principle of Familiar Topics; Principle of Utmost Utility; Principle of Popularity) reflect the General Principles in Translating The Analects which will be applied to evaluate different translations of The Analects.
1.      Introduction
1.1  General Introduction about The Analects and its English Translations
1.2  Aims and Objectives
1.3  The Organization of the Dissertation
2.      Literature Review
2.1  Previous research on the Translation of The Analects
2.2  Previous research on the Economy Principle of Language
3.      Theoretical Framework
3.1  The Origin of the Economy Principle of Language
3.2  The Development of the Economy Principle of Language
4.      Analysis
4.1  Analysis on Viability of Application of LEP to the Translation of The Analects
4.2 Case Study
4.2.1 A Brief Introduction of the Translations by Different Translators Arthur Waley’s Translation
4.2.2 Edward Slingerland’s Translation
4.2.3 Ku Hungming’s Translation
4.2.4 Ding Wangdao’s Translation
4. 2.2 The Reflection of the Economy Principle of Language in the Translation of The Analects ’s Terms in Different Translations Principle of General Equilibrium of Common Context Principle of Familiar Topics Principle of Utmost Utility Principle of Popularity
5.      Conclusions
General Time: 25 Weeks(Since January, 2014)
Schedule: The 1st -12th Week: To finish the first draft;
         The 12th -20th Week: To finish the second draft;
         The 20th -23th Week: To finish the final draft;
         The 23th -25th Week: To prepare and complete the thesis defense.
Ku Hungming, trans. The Discourse and Sayings of Confucius. Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh Ltd., 1898.
Waley Arthur,trans. The Analects of Confucius. London: Longmans,Green and Co., 1938.
Slingerland Edward,trans. Confucius Analects. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company Inc.,2003.
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韩芸(Han, Yun). “经济原则”发展概述. 中国外语,2007.
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杨平(Yang, Ping). 《论语》英译的概述与评析. 浙江教育学院学报,2009.
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