英语 百文网手机站


时间:2022-12-07 14:37:05 英语 我要投稿







  1. thank you for saying so.谢谢你这么说。

  2. thank you but i have a lot to learn yet.谢谢你,但我还有很多要学习的地方。

  3. it''s very nice of you to say so.谢谢你这么说。

  4. thank you. you flatter me.谢谢你,你过奖了。

  5. thank you, i''m just very lucky.谢谢你,我只是比较幸运而已。



  1. Thank you for the present. It''s just what I wanted.

  2. Thank you so much for the homemade cake.

  3. I don''t know how to thank you for such a beautiful flower.

  4. I received your gift. Thank you for the lovely bracelet.


  1. 谢谢你的礼物,这正是我想要的。

  2. 非常谢谢你作的蛋糕。

  3. 真不知道要如何谢谢你, 这么漂亮的花。

  4. 我收到你的礼物了。谢谢你可爱的手镯。

  当在回答他人的致谢时,可以说下面的句子,都有 别客气 的意思:

  1. You''re welcome.别客气。

  2. Not at all.这没什么。

  3. It''s my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。

  4. Don''t mention it.别放在心上。

  5. That''s all right.这没什么。

  6.No trouble at all.一点也不麻烦。

  7.I''m gload you enjoyed it.真高兴你觉得满意。


  1. Sorry, I didn''t catch you.对不起,我听不懂你说的。

  2. Sorry, I didn''t understand. 抱歉,我听不懂。

  3. Sorry, I didn''t get what you said. 对不起,我没听懂你说的话。

  4. I can''t hear you very well. 我听不太清楚。

  5. I can barely hear you. 我几乎听不到你说的。

  6. I''m having trouble hearing you. 我听不清楚。

  7. We have a bad connection. 通讯效果不太好。

  8. I can''t catch what you are saying. 我听不太清楚你说的话。


  1. Pardon?请再说一遍好吗?

  2. Excuse me? 请再说一遍?


  3. I beg you pardon? 能请你再说一遍吗?(此句有请求对方原谅及再说一次的意思)

  4. Could you repeat that, please? 能请你再说一遍吗?

  5. Would you say that again? 你能再说一遍吗?


  1. Would you speak more slowly? 你能再说慢一点吗?

  2. Could you speak up a little? 你能在大声一点吗?

  (speak up 大声说=speak out)

  3. Would you speak more clearly? 你能再说清楚一点吗?

  4. Would you explain more for me? 可以为我解释一遍吗?

  5. Please speak a little louder. 请讲大声一点。

  6. Would you slow down, please?清说慢一点好吗?二,工作活用篇


  1. may i have extension two-one-one?

  2. can i have extension two-one-one, please?

  3. may i speak to david, extension tow-one-one?

  4. extension two-one-one, please.

  5. please connect me with extension two-one-one.

  6. could you put me through to the personnel department, please?



  1. 能帮我转分机211?

  2. 能帮我转分机211吗?

  3. 我可以找211分机的大卫吗?

  4. 请转211。

  5. 请帮我转分机211。

  6. 请帮我接人事部好吗?



  1. May/Can I leave a message?

  2. Is it possible to leave a message?


  1. Would you please ask him to call me taday? 能不能请他今天回电话给我?

  2. Could you tell him to call me as soon as possible? 能不能请他尽快回电话给我?

  3. Could you just tell him David called? 能不能告诉他大卫来过电话?

  4. Could you ask him to call me back? 能不能请他回电?

  5. Please tell him to call Carol at 2233-4455.请他拨打2233-4455给卡洛回电话。


  1. When will he be back? 他何时回来?

  2. When do you expect him back? 你觉得他何时会回来?

  3. Is he coming back soon? 他会马上回来吗?

  4. Do you know what time she will be back? 你知道他几点回来?


  1. I''ll try again later.我会过一会儿再打来。

  2. I''ll call again in one hour later.我一个小时后再打来。

  3. I''ll call back later.我稍候再打过来。

  4. Please tell him I called and I''ll call him again tomorrow.请告诉他我来过电话,并且我明天会再打给他。


  1. How can I get in touch with him? 我怎样才能和他联系?

  2. Could you tell me where I can reach him? 可以告诉我怎样才能找到他吗?

  3. What''s the easiest way to contact him? 什么方法可以最快找到他?

  4. Could I call his mobilephone? 我可以打他的手机吗?


  1. Would you please send me the data by e-mail?

  2. Could you fax the data to my office?

  3. Would you send the data by fax?

  4. Could you post the data to me?



  1. 你能用电子邮件将资料传送给我吗?

  2. 你能把资料传真到我办公室吗?

  3. 你能传真那份资料吗?

  4. 你能将资料寄给我吗?


  1. Franklin Company Personnel Department. 富兰克林公司人事部。

  2. Good morning Franklin Company, may I help you? 早晨好,富兰克林公司。我可以为你服务吗?

  3. Personnel Department. This is Carol/Carol speaking. 人事部,我是卡洛。



  Who would you like to talk to/speak to? 请问找哪位?


  1. Her line is busy at the moment. Can somebody else help you? 她正在通电话,别的人可以帮你吗?

  2. He''s on another line right now. 他现在正在接另外一个电话。

  3. He''s talking a long-distance call now, what can I do for you? 他正在接长途电话,有什么我可以帮你吗?

  4. Sorry, his line is busy. 抱歉,他正在打电话。


  1. Could you hold a moment, please? 你能稍等一会儿吗?

  2. He''ll be with you in a moment. 过一会儿他就会接你电话了。

  3. Can you hold on, please? 你能稍等一会儿吗?

  4. Just a moment. He is on his way now. 请稍待一下。他马上来接电话。

  5. Hang on a second, please. 请稍等。

  6. Could you hold on any longer? 你能再稍待一会儿吗?


  1. I''m sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉让你等待。

  2. I''m sorry to have kept you waiting. 抱歉让你久等了。

  有时候真的让人久等时,说这句话会让对方心平气和一些。通常都会用完成式"to have kept you~"

  3. Sorry for the delay. 对不起慢了一点。


  1. She has a visitor at the moment. 她现在有客人。

  2. He is in a meeting now. 他正在开会。

  3. I''m sorry, but he is unable to come to the phone now.很抱歉,他现在无法接电话。

  4. I''m sorry, but I was just on my way out. Can I get back to you later? 很抱歉,我正好要出门。可不可以稍后再打给你。


  1. I''m sorry, but we have no one by that name here. 对不起,这里没有人叫那个名字

  2. We don''t have any Smith working here. 没有史密斯在这边工作。

  3. This is not Franklin Company.这里不是富兰克林公司。


  1. He is not in right now. 他现在不在。

  2. No one answers in Mr. Scott''s office. 史考特先生的办公室没人接电话。

  3. He''s here but he''s not at his dest right now. 他有来上班,不过现在不在座位上。

  4. He hasn''t come to the office yet. 他还没到办公室。

  5. I''m sorry, but he is out right now. 很抱歉,他刚才外出了。



  2.表达在或不在时,也可以用比较简单的: He''s in (out). / He is not in his office. / He''s out of office.


  1. He is off today. 他今天休假。

  2. He''s on vacation this week. 他本周休假。

  3. He is on vacation until next Wednesday. 他休假到下周三。


  1. He has gone for the day. 他已经回去了。

  2. He''s already left for home today. 他已经离开回家了。

  3. He has gone home. 他回家了。


  1. He''s absent because he is sick taday. 他今天生病所以没来。

  2. He''s on sick leave taday. 她今天请病假。

  3. She''s on maternity leave now. 她在休产假。


  1. He''s in New York on business. 他在纽约出差。

  2. He left for New York on business until July 22nd. 他到纽约出差,要到7月22日才能回来。

  3. He is on a business trip. 他正在出差。


  1. I''ll give her your message as soon as possible. 我将尽快地转达尼的留言给她。


  1. I''m sorry. Mr. Scott was transferred to our branch office.


  2. Mr.Smith took over his job. I''ll connect you. One moment, please.



  1. He left this company last week. 他上个月离开这家公司了。

  2. He is no longer at this company. 他已经不在本公司工作了。


  1. Some of the pages of your fax are missing. 你的传真少了几页。

  2. We didn''t receive the third page of your fax. 我没有收到你的传真的第三页。

  3. We dinn''t receive your fax, would you please send it again? 我们没有收到你的传真,能请你再传一次吗?

  4. Your fax isn''t readable.传真看不清楚。

  5. Your fax is hard to read since the letters are too small.你的传真字太小很难看清楚。


  1. Would it be possible to see Mr. Scott sometime this week?请问这星期能否跟史考特先生见个面?

  2. I''d like to meet you the day after tomorrow. 我想在后天拜访你。

  3. I''d like to talk to you about the new product. 我想要和你谈谈新产品。

  4. I''d like to make an appointment with Mr. Scott. 我想要跟史考特先生约个时间见面。


  1. I''d like to cancel my appointment with Mr. Scott. 我想取消和史考特先生的约会。

  2. Something urgent has come up. Could I postpone our appointment.发生了一些急事。我俩的约会能不能延期?

  3. May I ask you to postpone the meeting until the day after tomorrow?可以要求你将会面时间延到后天吗



  (1) 请稍待片刻。 Just a moment, please.

  (3) 请等一下。我找个人来听。 Hold on, please. I'll get someone to thephone.

  (2) 请别挂断。我找一位会说英语的人来。

  Hold the line, please. I'll get an English speaker.

  (4) 很抱歉,我英语说得不好。我找位会讲英语的人稍后回电话给你。请教您的大名 及电话号码?

  I'm sorry, I don't speak English well. I'll have an Englishspeaker call you back later. May I have your name and telephonenumber?


  (1) 早安。这里是正泰贸易公司。我能效劳吗?

  Good morning. This is Chengtai Trading Company. May I helpyou?

  (2) 喂。海外营业部。我是王大明。

  Hello. Overseas Sales Department. Taming Wang speaking.

  (3) 先锋电子。我是吴玛莉。

  Pioneer Electronics. This is Mary Wu speaking.

  (4) 午安。这里是大安商业银行。我能为您效劳吗?

  Good afternoon. This is Dan An Commercial Bank. What can I dofor you?

  (5) 喂。这里是王公馆。

  Hello. This is the Wang residence.

  (6) 午安。我是王大明。

  Good afternoon. Taming Wang speaking.

  (7) 我是杨文凯,请讲。

  Wenkai Yang. Speaking


  (1) 能说得明确一点吗?

  Could you put that in more specific terms?

  (2) 很抱歉。我没听懂你的话。

  I'm sorry. I couldn't follow you.

  (3) 我无法确定你的意思。

  I'm not sure what you mean.

  (4) 你讲得太快了。我跟不上。

  You're talking too fast. I can't keep up.

  (5) 你能说得简单一点吗?

  Could you put that more simply?

  (6) 请你再多解释一下好吗?

  Will you explain a little bit more?


  (1) 谢谢你来电。 Thank you for calling.

  (2) 很高兴跟你谈话。 Nice talking to you.

  (3) 感谢你打给我。 It was kind of you to call me.

  (4) 请随时再打电话给我。 Call me again any time.

  (5) 我该挂电话了。 I'd better get off the phone.

  (6) 让我们尽快聚聚。 Let's get together soon.

  (7) 有空请再打电话来。 Call again when you've got time.


  接电话者结束对话(Ending a conversation by the person being called)

  Well, thanks for calling .


  It was really good to hear from you .


  Give me a call if you have any more questions .


  Let me know if I can he of any more help.



  打电话者结束对话(Ending a conversation by the caller)

  Well, its been nice talking to you.


  Thanks for your time.


  I appreciate your help .


  I’ve really enjoyed talking to you.



  Shall I tell him you called?我告诉他你来过电话,好吗?

  Ill be here when he calls back. Much appreciated.他打电话时我会在这,太感谢你了!

  Thats fine. Ill await his return call.很好。我会等他的来电。

  Barkers Service Station.这里是巴克尔维修站。

  I need your help badly. My car cant start. Can you send somebody over?我急需你们的帮助。我的车启动不了,能派人来修吗?

  We can have somebody come by, but it wont be right away.我们可以派人去,但现在不行。

  What time can you send one over?那你们什么时候能派人来呢?

  Oh, lets see. Itll be about 3:30 before we have anybody free.哦,让我想想。大概要到3:30我们才有空。

  Can it be earlier than that?能早点吗?

  I doubt it, sir. Well try, but I cant promise anybody before 3:30.我没把握,先生。我们会尽早的,但我不敢许诺3:30以前行。

  If I had it towed over there, could you work on it right away?如果把车拖到你们那里,能马上修吗?

  Sure, if you had it towed here to the garage, we could get right on it.当然能。您把车拖过来的话,我们马上就修。

  Can you send your tow truck over here?你们能派辆拖车来吗?


  Thats all right. I hope we can help you at some other time. Good-bye.好了,希望我们今后还能给你帮助。再见。


  Im calling to know if it would be at all possible to cancel our reservation.我打电话想知道我们的预约是否有可能取消。

  I have to postpone our appointment.我要把我们的约会延期。

  Is it too late to cancel our plans?现在取消我们的计划是否太迟了?

  How much notice of cancellation is necessary to get my deposit back?想把定金拿回来,要提前多长时间通知你才行?

  Hello, my name is Susan and I am calling to confirm my reservation.喂,你好,我叫苏珊,我大电话确定我的预定。

  Yes, Miss Susan, we have you down for a deluxe room tonight.您好,苏珊小姐,我们已为您定好了今晚一间豪华房间。

  Great and please make sure the room has a nice view of the park.很好,要定那个可以看到公园美丽景色的房间。

  Yes, Miss. I will.好的,小姐。我会注意的。

  Thanks a lot!多谢了!

  Not at all.不客气。

  Hi. This si Peter from Dr. Alices office.嗨,你好,我是埃里斯诊所的彼得。

  Hi, Peter.彼得,你好。









