

1湖北高考英语完成句子专练12套 | 楼主 | 2017-08-06 01:18:35 共有3个回复 自我介绍 我要投稿
  1. 11湖北高考英语完成句子专练12套
  2. 21湖北英语高考 完成句子专题训练100题
  3. 32017年湖北高考英语完成句子练习题10


1湖北高考英语完成句子专练12套2017-08-06 01:18:20 | #1楼回目录



1. It is obvious that _______________________ (污染的空气) is harmful to our health. (pollute)

2. The wolf says ______________ (用令人恐怖的声音) that he is so hungry and he will eat Master Dongguo as the meal. (frighten)

3. ---What’s happening in the street?---A group frequently _________________ (自称) Green Peace are on parade in the street. (call)

4.The student originally _______________(被怀疑拿了) her money has proved that he wasn’t at the scene at that moment. (suspect)

5.The newcomer finished the program in lethan ____________________________ (允许的一半时间). (allow)

6. The worried look on his face suggested that he ___________________________ (仍然没有通过) the driving test this time.(pass)

7. They made an effort to drive through the icy storm last night, but the car ___________________________ (陷进去了). (get)

8. The glaof water is too hot. I prefer some ___________________________ (凉开水). (boil)

9. ---Do you know who let the computer on all night long?

---It seems that Tom _______________________ (要负责任). He played the computer games yesterday afternoon. (blame)

10. It was surprising that the father ______________________________________ (对这条消息不吃惊) at all that his son was knocked down by a motorbike on his way to school. (surprise)


1.After the lightning struck, the workers found _______________________________ (自己受困于) a huge forest fire.(trap)

2. Li Hua hopes that his English teacher will suggest a good way ________________ (使他的英语提高) in a short period time. (have)

3. Most of the people _____________________________ (被邀请来的) the party tonight were my old friends that we seldom met since graduation of middle school.(invite)

4.____________________________ (国王值得赞扬的是) that he is against the establishment of a new political party.(credit)

5.Following the ten Golden rules __________________ (以------为依据的)the ancient wisdom can guide us to the path of a good life.

6.The transportation has improved a lot in that province, with _________________________(两条新路建成) last year.(construct)

7.As we know, people of the Great Britain _______________________ (已受影响) the culture from the European mainland for centuries.(influence)

8. Hundreds of citizens are marching along the street to ________________________(表达他们的心声). (make)

9.I want you to ____________________________ (告知我) how you get on with your new classmates.(keep)

10. In a sports team each player has a definite role of his own, and there are few occasions ______________________________ (队员们没有把握) their roles in the game.(certain)


1.---It’s a pity that the trees are going to die.

---_______________________________ (如果给更多的关注),they could have grown better.(give)

2.______________________________(遭受如此严重的污染)already, it may be now too late to clean the river. (suffer)

3.With the development of industry, lots of waste needs ___________________________ (被回收和重复使用) (recycle)

4.Because of ___________________ (缺乏工作经验),MiSun will have some difficulty in finishing the task alone.(lack)

5.Before the meeting started in the morning, the president went into the hall, ____________________ (后面跟着一些官员).(follow)

6.All the aspects __________________________ (被考虑到), the project will be accomplished in time.(consideration)

7.Liu Xiang _______________________ (本应该获得) the gold medal, but he gave up the race as his feet hurt a lot.(win)

8.When ________________________________ (被问到这一起谋杀),the suspect looked nervous.(ask)

9.________________________ (被自然之美所吸引),the girl from London decided to spend another two days in the village.(attract)

10.__________________________________________ (必须采取措施) to limit the use of private cars in big cities.(take) 完成句子练习4

1. Traffic problems______________________ (正在讨论的) now should be solved as soon as possible.(discuss)

2._____________________________ (被按了上百次) the button was out of work at last.(press)

3.He made the suggestion that their work_______________________________(应该受到感谢). (acknowledge)

4.On a winter morning ,a young man ______________________ (穿着) a worn-out coat walked hard(dress)

5.If you ____________________________ (能考虑) what I said, you would not have lost such a lot of money.(account)

6.____________________________(严重受损) during the earthquake in Yushu, houses of the survivors are being rebuilt by the government. (damage)

7.Susan made a promise _____________________________ (她会来) to see me the next spring.(come)

8.When he woke up in the morning, he __________________(发现自己被捆)to a tree, but no one surrounded him.(tie)

9.The student wasn’t paying attention in class, with _______________ (眼睛盯着) the tree in front of the classroom.(fix)

10.__________________________ (对------要求不严格)his kid’s behavior for a long time, the father has no good ways to help him keep away from smoking.(strict)


1.Not only ____________ (他 解释) to us the importance of learning English but he also told us the best way to learn it. (explain )

2.No sooner _________________________(他 下 ) the train than his parents ran towards him. (get )

3.The singer was accused _____________________ (吸毒) which shocked his fans all over the world.(take)

4.It is our consistent position that in no case ___________________________ (我们将使用)nuclear weapons first. (use)

5.If your don’t polish the floor in your spare time, ______________________ (你弟弟也不会)。(neither)

6.Never in his life ___________________________(他出版过一本书) so he died with so much regret.(get)

7.So _______________________________ (顾客们非常高兴) that most of them had bought our products. (delighted )

8.There are eighty people in the hall, _________________________________ (包括所有的孩子) (include)

9.European football is played in 80 countries, ______________________ (使它成为最流行的) sport in the world. (make)

10.He _____________________________ (不可能参加)the meeting yesterday. I was staying with him all day.(attend )


1.---Who is to blame for the accident?

---The manager, not the workers. They just carried out the order ______________________ (如被告知的那样) . (tell)

2.Really? I’m surprised. The hotels in London are supposed _______________________________ . (nice)

3.He tidied the large conference room thus __________________________________(让她保持干净).(keep)

4.---Are you and Jane going to take a picnic ?---We _______________________ . (希望去) (hope

5.________________________ (毫无疑问) first aid is only a temporary form of help given to a patient. (there)

6.The astronauts must learn how to deal with the situation in which ____________________(既没有重力也没有引力的) . (neither)

7.The word “media” basically refers to ______________(所谓的)newspapers, magazines, radios and televisions. (what)

8.The red Crowould have another thousand dollars _________________(用它们去买)bandages and medicines. (with)

9.---Will your father see you off?---Of course. He _____________________(将开车载着我)to the air this time tomorrow. (drive)

10._____________________ (在老师帮助下), he is no longer afraid of English and now has a good command of it. (aid) 完成句子练习7

1.Only if we accept opinions from others ______________________________(我们才能够进步).(make)

2.During the following years, more attention was paid _______________________ (帮助)women and children. (assist)

3.The house____________ (其价值被评价为)$200,000 was sold a week later after the owner put an ad in the local paper. (assess)

4._________________________ (致力于) his research, he spared no time to spend a weekend with us. (devote)

5.---Does Ann obey her parents?---Yes, she will never do anything _______________________(不赞成的)by her parents.(approve)

6.Seldom _________________________(我碰到他)in the street recently.

7.The peaceful meeting ended when the company sent out a group of angry men ________(带着棍棒)to fight with the citizens.(arm)

8.John Jason, yesterday _________________(授予了一个奖)for his bravery of stopping the robbery, was studying in his room when it happened (present)

9.I have never seen him again,nor __________________ (我收到他的来信) since he studied abroad five years ago.(hear)

10.Would you ever have imagined _________________________ (他当上) monitor of our class? (become)


1.Only if people of all the countries are united _____________________ (我们才能解决) the existing problems in the world. (solve)

2._______________________(油漆成)red , the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive. (paint)

3._________________________ (不会用) a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research. (use)

4.The news ______________________ (房价将要下跌) has called many people to sell their houses at lower prices.(fall)

5.After she completes the project, she’ll have ___________________________________ (没有什么要担心的) (worry)

6.Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention _________________________(讨论)at the meeting.(discuss).

7.My mother was so proud of all _______________________ (我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)

8.Last night’s TV news said that by then the death of the missing people _____________________ (未证实)yet .(prove)

9.It’s said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they ________________________ (不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide. (do)

10 __________________________(正如我们强调的那样)many times, “serve the people “ is our first policy.(stress)


1.__________________ (多亏了) her assistance, we succeeded in starting the engine.(thank)

2.When you are finished with the electric iron, don’t forget ________________________ (关掉它).

3.During his last lecture, the scientist _____________________ (觉得)easier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge. (find)

4._______________________ (获得奖学金)gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states. (win)

5.If times _________________ , have our ways of thinking changed too? (change)

6.At the award ceremony, Mr Jackson said, “For me ,there has been ____________ (没有更大的回报) than your support..”

7.________________________ (任何计划好了的事)is sure to change as one puts it into practice.(whatever)

8.Such knowledge is still useful __________________________ (当应用)to similar situations in other countries.(when)

9.After circling around the earth for three days, Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that ___________ (它着陆)as scheduled the next day. (land)

10.Learning strategies, to __________________(老师们认为) importance , have not yet drawn enough attention of students. (attach) 完成句子练习10

1.After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ____________________ (又累又饿).(hungry)

2.By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ____________________ (将动身去)London to attend a meeting.(leave)

3.It is you, rather than he, that _______________________(对这次事故负责任)。 (blame)

4.Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I ________________________ (不应该吃) so much fried chicken just now.(eat)

5.Helen had to shout ________________________ (让别人听见) above the sound of the music.(make)

6.________________ (已受骗)many times by false advertisements, the old lady would not buy any products advertised on TV.(take)

7.Shi insisted that she ____________________(没有说他坏话),but he didn’t believe.(speak)

8.The organization has raised a large sum of money , ________________________ (其中大部分)will be used to establish a fund for the AIDS patient. (which)

9.Danny left word with my secretary ___________________ (他将打电话) again in the afternoon. (call)

10.It was at middle night ___________________ (我回到家)last night.(return)


http://www.oh100.com e and see me whenever ________________________ (你方便的时候). (convenient)

2.Would you please keep silent? The weather report ______________________ (正在广播) and I want to listen. (broadcast)

3.It is said that Chineseare eating ______________________ (超过两倍多的鸡蛋)per person today as they did in the 1970’s. (as)

4.You can’t imagine ______________________ (他们多么兴奋)when they received these nice Christmas presents.(excited)

5.What a pity my new computer doesn’t work. ___________________________(一定有什么问题)with it .(wrong)

6._________________________ (尽管他是一个孩子),he has to support the family. (as)

7.What the police want to know is_____________________________ (你什么时候进的房间) (enter)

8.He studied hard and later became a well-known writer, ______________________________ (那是他父亲期盼的).(expect)

9.But for your great efforts, the work ________________________ (不可能完成) on time. (finish)

10.The squirrel was lucky that it just _______________________ (逃脱被捕捉). (escape)


1.He is___________________ (比我小两岁)。 (junior)

2.He decided to talk to his teacher ________________________ (希望说服) her to give him a higher grade.(hope)

3._____________(暴露在)too much sunlight, as is generally considered, will add to the potential of catching skin cancer. (expose)

4.The national congressman wearing traditional clothes,__________________ 我刚才在他的房间里采访他),comes from a remote mountain village in West China.(interview)

5._____________________(尽管他或许是一位文静的学生),he talks a lot with his father at home.(as)

6.In the UK, ________________________________ (给中国学生留下深刻印象的事情)was the Student Activity, where they could get lots of information outside.(impress)

7.I try to understand ___________ (是什么) that prevents so many Chinese from being as happy as one might expect.(it)

8.On June 25th,2016, Michael Jackson made his final exit from his earthly stage,_________________(让全世界震惊)。(leave)

9.I lost my keys, otherwise ________________________(我将在睡觉)comfortably in bed now.(sleep)

10 When I tried to step forward on the moon, I found I was carried _____________(是两倍远)on the earth and fell over.


1. polluted air2.in a frightening voice3.calling themselves4.suspected of taking

5.half the time (that /which was) allowed6.still hadn’t passed7. got stuck

8. cool boiled water9.is to blame10. wasn’t surprised at the news


1. themselves trapped by2. to have his English improved 3. (who had been )invited to 4. It is to the king’s credit

5.(which are )based http://www.oh100.com o new roads constructed7.have been influenced by8.make their voice heard

9.keep me informed/told10.when members aren’t certain of


http://www.oh100.com If given more attention2.Having suffered such heavy pollution 3.to be recycled and reused/ recycling and reusing

4.lacking working experience/ the lack of working experience5.followed by some officials 6.taken into consideration

7.should have won8.asked about the murder9.Attracted by the beauty of nature10.Measures must be taken 参考答案4

1.(that /which are) being discussed2.Pressed a hundred times 3.(should )be acknowledged4.(who was ) dressed in 5.had

taken into account 6.Badly damaged 7.that she would come 8.found himself tied9.his eyes fixed on

10.Not(being/having been) strict about


1.did he explain2.had he got3.of taking drugs4.will we use5.neither does your (younger ) brother 6.did he get a book http://www.oh100.com lighted were the customers 8.including all the children / all the children included 9.making it the most http://www.oh100.com uldn’t have attended


1.as (they were ) told 2.(to be ) pretty/ fairly/ rather nice 3.keeping it clean 4.hope to

5.There is no doubt that6.there is neither weight nor gravity7.what is called8.with which to buy

9.will be driving http://www.oh100.com With the aid of the teacher/ Aided by the teacher


1.can we make progress/ will we be able to make progre2.to assisting3.whose value was assessed at

http://www.oh100.com voted to 5.that is not approved of6.have I met him7.(who were ) armed with

8.(who were ) presented with an award 9.have I heard from him http://www.oh100.com his becoming/ that he should have become


1.can we solve / will we be able to solve 2.Painted / Having been painted3.Not being able to use/ Being unable to use/ Not knowing to use 4.that house prices will fall 5.nothing to worry about/ no more worries6.(should ) be discussed7.(that) I had done8.had not been proved 9.can’t/ couldn’t have done it /so / that/ this10.As we have stressed/ As has been stressed 参考答案9

1.Thanks to 2 to turn it off3.found it / found (that) it was4.Winning a scholarship 5.have changed

6.no greater reward / no reward greater 7.Whatever one has planned / Whatever has been planned 8.when ( it is) applied

9.it (should) land 10.which (the) teachers attach /have attached


1.hungry and tired2.will have left for3.are to blame for the accident4.shouldn’t have eaten 5.to make herself heard

6.Having been taken in7.hadn’t spoken ill of him8.most of which9.that he would call 10.that I returned home


1 .it is convenient to / for you 2.is being broadcast3.more than twice as many as4. how excited they were

5.There must be something wrong6.Child as he is 7. whenyouentered the room 8.which was what his father expected http://www.oh100.com uldn’t have been finished10. escapedbeingcaught


1. juniorto me by two years /two years junior to me 2.with / in the hope of persuading 3. Being exposed to 4.in whose

room I just interviewed him 5.Quiet student as he may be6. whatimpressedChinese students most 7.what it is

8.leaving the whole world shocked9. I would be sleeping http://www.oh100.com ice as far as

1湖北英语高考 完成句子专题训练100题2017-08-06 01:15:50 | #2楼回目录


1.It's wrong to 取笑)disabled persons.(fun)

2.A good friend is someone 使我快乐的人)(make)


4.In the movie Cast Away(扮演了一个名叫查克·诺兰的人)(play)

5.He realizes that he hasn'因为他总是考虑他自己)(think)



被看做是)loyal friends to people(regard)


10.Sure,we flew 一路上)direct from Seattle to London(all)


12. (大多数人)speak English(majority)

13.(发展成为) the language most widely spoken and used in the world.(develop)

14.Y通过无线电广播)or use English to communite with people around the world through the Internet.(radio)

15.For a long time the language in America ,while the language in England changed.(stay)

没有任何困难听懂)each other.

(带进来了)some words from their own languages.(bring)

18.I first (想写信给你),but then I decided to come to see you.(consider)

(非常受女孩子欢迎).He is amusing.(popular)

(注意)dangers,such as spiders,snakesor poisonous plants.(watch)

,you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.(as)


23.She (环顾四周)and saw Jeff running



26.Jeff and Flora looked into each other's face(露出惊恐的神色)(fright)

27.Finally(傍晚时)we were on the way back to Chengdu.(evening)

28.This was the moment when Spielberg'真正起步)(take)

29.He his wife (把他的成功归功与妻子)(owe)

30.The village leader asks W (代高老师的课)until he comes back.(place)

31.Knowing them will help you (给人留下好印象)(impression)

32.When 喝酒祝某人健康时),you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch.(drink)

33.You have made a mistake--(把一个字母漏掉了)(leave)

34.(几乎是一片废墟);fires burned everywhere.(ruin)

35.(俯视)the city he built.(look)

(拆掉)the city wall and to replace it with a stone building(pull).

(每四年)athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.(year)

38.She bought a new coat (prepare)

39.Now, as one of the stars in the NBA, Y(实现自己的梦想)and show the world that Chinese basketball players love this game too!(live)


(一点关系都没有)to me (difference)


43.He and I and get on well.(common)

44.His parents were dead and he lives with a family that (对他很坏)(treat)

(已发展成为)a town.(grow)

46.Everyone had something to say, (包括我在内)(include)

three times a day,You will be all right soon.(medicine)

(发展起他的生意)with years of hard work.(business)

49.what they believe.(base)

(总共达)1,000 tons.(amount)

51(同相比)many people,she was indeed lucky.(compare)

(两天的旅行)to Qingdao.(trip)

53.A child brings great joy to a family赠送)red eggs.

54.因为)hard work----ten years of hard work.(because)

55.you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.(call)

56.You (试戴了一下)and it looked wonderful on you.(try)

57.The string(开始带电).(charge)

(系一条细线到)the croso you can control the kite.(tie)

59.…(陷落)from under my skis.(drop)

(把她撞翻)and hurt her leg.(knock)

61.He wrote a book (涉及)cattle breeding.(refer)

(取得一致)with things That bother them and that they could not talk about with others.(term)

63.When she praised a book,it will become (畅销书)(sell)

64.Some of this heat near the earth'发电).(electricity)

(占领)the island in 1769.(possession)


67.Y(充分利用)of your time.(use)

68.This saves time and allows farmers to in each season(extra)

69.“M(代表)“modified”,which means“changed.”.(stand)

70.If you give up your studies,you will (违背你父母的意愿)(go)

71.a situation during their shows.(act)

72.What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is the way of(玩弄词藻)(play)

)the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk, or Xiangsheng have Madepeople all over China roar with laughter for centuries.(date)

(喜欢有时间)to play football with you.(appreciate)

75.A smile can help us difficult situation and find friends in a world of Stangers.(get)


(切断)the electricity quickly and prevented an accident.(cut)


79.Y(过去了)and I was not that much worse.(go)

80.She (忙于做家庭作业).(engage)

81.We(正在寻找)a solution to the problem.(seek)

82. (要是怎么办?) aliens should invade the earth?(what)

面临) a new problem.(face)


消息灵通的).man (inform)

(迷恋) computer games.(addict)

87(十分之九)housewives who were interviewed about the product said they liked it.(out)


89.A nest is to a bird (what)

(把书放在一边) and turned off the light.(set)

91.Your lettter the days when we worked together in the countryside 20 years ago.(call)

(为创造了条件) a better job and better living conditions.(door)

(投稿) newspaper.(contribute)


(践踏) by the French(run)

96,the upper classes don't have a clear idea of the common people'slives.(speak)


98.One way to 瞥一眼)the future is to examine some of the major Trends in contemporary society.(glimpse)

99. We now have e-friends to help us and (company)

(整理) his desk after school.(clean)


1.make fun of 2.who makes me happy 3.have survived the war

4.plays a man named Chuck Noland5.because he has always been thinking about himself

6.becomes fond of him7.share happineand sorrow 8.are regards as

9.drop me a line10.all the way 11.all around the world

12.the majority of the http://www.oh100.com veloped into14.on the radio

15.stayed the same16.do not have any difficulty in understanding17brought in

http://www.oh100.com nsidered writing to you19.is popular with girls20.Watch out for

21.As with hiking 22.was caught in the earthquake 23.looked around

24.Advancing towards her 25.grew against the wall26.with a look of fright

27.towards evening28.really took off 29.owed his succeto

30.take Mr Gao's place 31.make a good impression 32.drinking to someone's health

33.you've left out a letter34.was almost in ruins35.look out over

36.pull down37.Every four years38.in preparation for

39.live his dream40.surf the Internet 41..makes no difference

42.he had in mind 43.have much in common /have a lot in common

44.treats him badly45.has grown into 46.me included

47.Take the medicine48.built his busine49.based on

50.amounted to http://www.oh100.com pared to/with52.a two-day trip

53.giving away 54.because of55.called on

56.tried it on 57.was getting charged 58.tie a long string to

59.dropped out 60.knocked her over 61.referring to

http://www.oh100.com e to terms with 63.a best seller64.make electricity

65.took possession of66.has a population of67.make full use of

68.grow an extra crop69.stands for 70.go against your parents' will

71.act out 72.playing with words73.Dating back to

74.appreciate having time75.get through 76.tear down

77.cut off 78.has a genius for79.had gong by

80.was engaged in doing her homework81.are seeking for

82.what if 83.was faced with 84.robbed her of all her money

85.well-informed 86.are addicted to87.Nine out of ten

88.look up to 89.what a house is to a man90.set aside

91.call up92.opens the door http://www.oh100.com ntributes to

94.throughout the night 95.run over 96.Generally speaking

97.on a diet98.catch a glimpse of 99.keep us company 100.clean up

2017年湖北高考英语完成句子练习题102017-08-06 01:16:57 | #3楼回目录

[2016·黄冈市4月调考]1.With a government health cigarette packets,

smokers have to think twice when they are to light a cigarette(attach)




[2016·湖北八市_his lecture about the endangered animals,

the professor has been preparing for it all the day. (attend)


[2016·湖北稳派10月月考]4.,the farmers refused to take a rest,

for fear of missing the best planting time.(plant)


[2016·湖北部分中学联考]5. I showed him a map of China in the Ming on it.(with)


[2016·湖北部分中学期末联考]6. I can’t get down to my work with


[2016武汉武昌区期末联考]7. next. (arise)


[2016武汉市二月调考,you can enjoy yourself in the Food Festival, (taste)


[2016武汉市部分中学11月联考]9. The murderer wbehind his back. (tie) 这个凶手被带了进来,双手绑在背后

[2016武汉市部分中学起点联考]10., his family continues to

support him in every way.(come)


[2016襄阳市上学期期中联考]11. With the population increasing in this city, it is

suggested that a new water supply plant be built up, with the government . (provide)

由于人口不断增长,建议在这个城市建一个新供水厂,资金将由政府提供。 [2016襄阳五中三月统考


dying out. (destroy)


[2016荆门市元月调考]13. With so , the newly-elected chairman couldn’tsleep well at night. (settle)


[2016荆州中学质量检查Ⅱ]14. With the ,most Americans think that things will change for the better. (come)



1. attached to

2. some details to discuss

3.many students to attend

4. many more trees to plant

5. with all boundaries drawn

6. so many children playing

7. many problems arising

8.with so much food to taste

9. his hands tied

10 his dream coming true

11. to provide money / fund (for it) 12. With most forests destroyed/Because most forests are (have been) destroyed

13. many problems to settle

14. coming into /to power











