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 My View on the Campus Star Contest英

时间:2022-01-27 09:36:48 作文 我要投稿

 My View on the Campus Star Contest英语四级作文范文

  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的`、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是小编收集整理的 My View on the Campus Star Contest英语四级作文范文,希望能够帮助到大家。

 My View on the Campus Star Contest英语四级作文范文

  At an age of character and individuality being encouraged and demonstrated, we see various stars pop upsinging stars, dancing stars, movie stars and sport stars, etc. Many schools even hold contests to choose their Campus Stars. Although these activities make our cultural life in campus more colorful and varied, a lot of problems spring up at the same time.

  First of all, these activities can result in the swelling of vanity in some students, making them become arrogant, or even feel superior to other students. Moreover, these activities can greatly distract the students from their study. In order to become a star, they will, without any doubt, spend a lot of time and energy on the preparation and competition. The focus of their academic life will be shifted, and even worse, they can become too enthusiastic about extracurricular activities and hate the academic knowledge and skills they need to grasp for their future development.

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