英语笔译 百分网手机站


时间:2018-03-20 20:08:55 英语笔译 我要投稿



  The storeroom was the only study I’ve ever had in my life. Perhaps it could be aptly called a workshop. It was long, narrow and small. An old desk stood against a wall under the northern window. Two piled-up glass bookcases rose erect near the entrance. They were the furniture abandoned by a former resident. There was no room for anything else besides my old cane chair placed before the desk under the window. However, enjoying the privacy of a so-called study like this, I could do writing with high concentration. All festivals and holidays as well as all after-hours spare time would find me confined in solitude to the tiny room to experience the delight of giving free rein to my literary thought and imagination.



  2,’这样的一间书房,一个人躲在里面写作,思想很集中”译为enjoying the privacy of a so-called study like this, I could do writing with high concentration.其中“一个人躲在里面…”译者并没有按照字面意思直译,而是意译为enjoying the privacy of,比直译更加贴切

  3,“创作的思维和想象空间都很广阔“即”任凭自己的的创作思维和想象力自由驰骋“译为giving free rein to my literary thought and imagination.


  In the fifties, Shanghai was much colder in winter than now. the window panes would ice up and one’s breath would freeze in the cold air. I would, with the window curtains drawn together, warm myself by a charcoal brazier over which a small kettle was sizzling away, and gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing. On the four walls, which I could easily reach by holding out my hand, I had several strings with scraps of paper hung on them stretched between nails. On these scraps of paper, I kept jottings of fragmentary materials for creative work, some linguistic gems and my original manuscripts awaiting revision. In this workshop, I turned out in a few years a large number of articles, both long and short, and, to my great surprise, some of the short essays I then wrote are today still to the lignin of the reading public.


  1,“五十年代的上海…“译为 In the fifties, Shanghai was…中文关于时间的表述译成英文时,大部分是做状语的,这一点在《西欧的夏天》中也有体现,有时也作主语,如《我对于运动会的感想》中The third time, however, found me rising to my feet in spite of myself to join my fellow students in cheering like mad.


  2,”我拉上窗帘,以炭盆烤火取暖,让身边的小水壶在炭火上嘶嘶作响,伴随我逐渐投入创作境界。”多动词句,以“我“作为核心,译为I would, with the window curtains drawn together, warm myself by a charcoal brazier over which a small kettle was sizzling away, and gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing.其中注意找准其他名词与核心主语的关系~

  3,” 逐渐投入创作境界“即”逐渐进入创作的最佳状态“,译为gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing. the best state of readiness意为”最佳的准备状态“。

  4,” 室内四壁都伸手可及,我在墙壁上…”中前一句的主语“墙壁”在后一句中作状语,宜进行合译,将“室内四壁都伸手可及”译为“在伸手可及的墙壁上”

  5,“词海语林偶得的一鳞半爪“即”可供学习参考的只言片语“译为some linguistic gems,也可以译为some useful words and expressions


  How I cherish the memory of the small study! Whenever I passed by the former residence with my children, who have now reached middle age, I never failed to show them the location of our old home and tell them that the third floor of the building which had changed beyond recognition had once been our home. Yesterday, when passing by the same place, I found that the old building was nowhere to be found and that a high-rise had been erected on its site. In the deepening dusk, I repeatedly turned round to look up at the towering structure and wistfully relived the old days I had spent in the small study.


  1,否定词+fail to do意为“必然会…”,如I never failed to call my parents every week.


  2,不复可辨= beyond recognition

  3,“了无痕迹“即”无迹可寻“,译为was nowhere to be found













  The storeroom was the only study I’ve ever had in my life. Perhaps it could be aptly called a workshop. It was long, narrow and small. An old desk stood against a wall under the northern window. Two piled-up glass bookcases rose erect near the entrance. They were the furniture abandoned by a former resident. There was no room for anything else besides my old cane chair placed before the desk under the window. However, enjoying the privacy of a so-called study like this, I could do writing with high concentration. All festivals and holidays as well as all after-hours spare time would find me confined in solitude to the tiny room to experience the delight of giving free rein to my literary thought and imagination.



  2,’这样的一间书房,一个人躲在里面写作,思想很集中”译为enjoying the privacy of a so-called study like this, I could do writing with high concentration.其中“一个人躲在里面…”译者并没有按照字面意思直译,而是意译为enjoying the privacy of,比直译更加贴切

  3,“创作的思维和想象空间都很广阔“即”任凭自己的的创作思维和想象力自由驰骋“译为giving free rein to my literary thought and imagination.


  In the fifties, Shanghai was much colder in winter than now. the window panes would ice up and one’s breath would freeze in the cold air. I would, with the window curtains drawn together, warm myself by a charcoal brazier over which a small kettle was sizzling away, and gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing. On the four walls, which I could easily reach by holding out my hand, I had several strings with scraps of paper hung on them stretched between nails. On these scraps of paper, I kept jottings of fragmentary materials for creative work, some linguistic gems and my original manuscripts awaiting revision. In this workshop, I turned out in a few years a large number of articles, both long and short, and, to my great surprise, some of the short essays I then wrote are today still to the lignin of the reading public.


  1,“五十年代的上海…“译为 In the fifties, Shanghai was…中文关于时间的表述译成英文时,大部分是做状语的,这一点在《西欧的夏天》中也有体现,有时也作主语,如《我对于运动会的感想》中The third time, however, found me rising to my feet in spite of myself to join my fellow students in cheering like mad.


  2,”我拉上窗帘,以炭盆烤火取暖,让身边的小水壶在炭火上嘶嘶作响,伴随我逐渐投入创作境界。”多动词句,以“我“作为核心,译为I would, with the window curtains drawn together, warm myself by a charcoal brazier over which a small kettle was sizzling away, and gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing.其中注意找准其他名词与核心主语的关系~

  3,” 逐渐投入创作境界“即”逐渐进入创作的最佳状态“,译为gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing. the best state of readiness意为”最佳的准备状态“。

  4,” 室内四壁都伸手可及,我在墙壁上…”中前一句的主语“墙壁”在后一句中作状语,宜进行合译,将“室内四壁都伸手可及”译为“在伸手可及的墙壁上”

  5,“词海语林偶得的一鳞半爪“即”可供学习参考的只言片语“译为some linguistic gems,也可以译为some useful words and expressions


  How I cherish the memory of the small study! Whenever I passed by the former residence with my children, who have now reached middle age, I never failed to show them the location of our old home and tell them that the third floor of the building which had changed beyond recognition had once been our home. Yesterday, when passing by the same place, I found that the old building was nowhere to be found and that a high-rise had been erected on its site. In the deepening dusk, I repeatedly turned round to look up at the towering structure and wistfully relived the old days I had spent in the small study.


  1,否定词+fail to do意为“必然会…”,如I never failed to call my parents every week.


  2,不复可辨= beyond recognition

  3,“了无痕迹“即”无迹可寻“,译为was nowhere to be found