成考高起本 百分网手机站


时间:2017-07-12 15:42:14 成考高起本 我要投稿



  It was a case of emergency. The four-year-old girl awoke and smelled smoke. She couldn't wake her mother, so she dialed "zero". An operator immediately called the fire department. Help was sent,and a tragedy avoided.

  Days before this emergency ,the mother had taught her child how to telephone for help. Children as young as two and one-half years old can be taught to use the phone in emergency situations. Here are some points.

  Memorizing certain facts is important. Teach your children their names, and the section of town where you live. Try to keep what they learn within their abilities. Simple information, learned well,is better than difficult information only partly learned.

  Be sure your children know how to use the telephone. They should be taught to dial "zero"for the operator, at the very least. And they should be taught to dial "911" if it is used in your town.~ Practice over a period of several days. Over-learning is necessary so the child can act auto-matically in case of emergency.

  If you would like a booklet giving instructions on calling for help,write Telephone For Help,Box 99, Bowling Green Station, New York, NY 10004.

  48Based on this passage, over-learning is good because __________ .

  A.simple information is usedB.children should know their namesC.it helps children act automaticallyD.difficult information is only partly learned




  49Paragraph 4 talks about dialing "911 ". This number is probably __________ .

  A.the operatorB.an emergency numberC.a practice number for childrenD.used to keep children calm




  50One thing the passage does NOT tell you to do is __________ .

  A.call your neighborB.practice several timesC.teach children how to use the telephoneD.have children memorize some simple facts



  通读全文可知文中未提call the neigh.bor这一项内容,其他三项文中都有提及,故A项为最佳答案。

  51What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.Give instructions on calling for help.B.Partly-learned information is useless.C.Teach children how to deal with emergencies.D.Keep what children learn within their abilities.





  The small number of newborn babies, which has been caused by high prices and the changingsocial situation of women, is one of the rriost serious p~oblems in Asia. When people talk about it, you-,.

  can hear a word invented in Japan," DINKS" ,which means Double Income No Kids.

  In many major Asian cities like Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo, the cost of a house is extremelyhigh. A young couple who want to buy their own house may have to pay about $ 300,000 ( thoughprices have fallen). For a flat with one bedroom, one dining-room, a kitchen, and a bathroom, thecouple will pay about $ 900 a month. What'~ more, if they want to have a child, the child's educationis very expensive. For example, most kindergarten charges are at least $ 5,000 a year. In such asituation, it's difficult to afford children.

  The number of married women who want to continue working increases rapidly because they en-joy their jobs. However, if they want to have children, they immediately have serious problems.Though most companies allow women to leave their jobs for a short time to have a baby, they expect women with babies to give up their jobs. In short, if they want to bring up children properly, both par-ents have to work, but it is hard for mothers to work. Indeed, women who want to continue working have to choose between having children or keeping their jobs.

  In a word,Asian governments must take steps to improve the present situation as soon as possible.

  52What is the main problem being discussed in the passage?

  A.The small number of newborn babies.B.The changing social situation of women.C.The high prices of houses and education.D.The necessary steps of Asian governments.




  53According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?

  A.It is easy for a couple to afford a child in Asia.B.The prices of houses in Asia are quite low now.C.Fewer and fewer married women want to have a job.D.The word "DINKS" first appeared in an Asian country.



  A、B、c三项都和文章涉及的内容相反。由第一段第二句“when people talk about it,you can hear a word invented in Japan,‘DINKS’,which means Double Income No Kids.”可得出D项正确。

  54To buy a flat and send a child to kindergarten, how much will a couple pay each year?

  A.$ 5,000.B.$ 5,900.C.$10,800.D.$15,800.



  文中提到“For a fiat with one bed.room,one dinin9—room,a kitchen,and a bathroom,thecouple will pay about$900 a month.What’S more.ifthey Want to have a child,the child’S education is veryexpensive.For example,most kindergarten charges areat least$5,000 a year.”我们可做出计算:900×12+5000=15800,故D项正确。

  55The writer seems to believe that Asian governments should __________ .

  A.let women stay at home and have a babyB.allow only one of the parents to go out to workC.care for the growing needs of women for jobs.D.punish the companies that permit women to leave参考答案:C


  文章最后两段谈论的是妇女们的两难境地:having children和keeping their jobs。根据最后一段“In a word,Asian governments must takesteps to improve the present situation as soon as pos—sible.”可以判断C项为最佳答案。

  V. Daily Conversation ( 15 points)

  Directions:Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and completethe following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


  Jason:Where do you work,Andrea?

  Andrea:I work for Thomas Cook Travel.

  Jason : Oh, really? 56

  Andrea:I'm a guide. I take people on tours to countries in South America,like Peru.Jason :57

  Andrea:Yes,it's a great job. I love it. 58

  Jason : I'm a student, and I have a part-time job, too.Andrea: Oh ? 59

  Jason:In a fast-food restaurant.Andrea : 60

  Jason : Hamburger Heaven.

  A.Where have you been?

  B. What do you do there?

  C. An interesting place!

  D. Where do you work?

  E. And what do you do?

  F. What kinds of job?

  G. That sounds interesting!

  H. Which restaurant?

  第56题应填( )


  第57题应填( )


  第58题应填( )


  第59题应填( )


  第60题应填( )


  VI. Writing (25 points)

  Directions:For this part, you are supposed to write a composition of about 100 -120 wordsbased on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.







  As everybody knows that the traffic problems in ourcity become more and more serious. During the rush-hours every morning and afternoon, the roads are verycrowded. There are traffic jams almost on every mainroad. The accident rate becomes higher than before. Ithink that it is high time for the city government to takesome measures to solve this problem.

  First of all, we should repair the roads, for some ofthe roads are in bad condition and it is difficult for thedrivers to go through. Secondly, we should build more overpasses so as to cut down traffic jams. Thirdly,the pro-duction of cars should be controlled, for there are toomany cars moving on the roads every day. As long as wedo something like this, the traffic problem will be solvedor at least the accident rate will be lowered. I do hope ourgovernment will accept my suggestions.








