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届高考英语阅读题提升 艺术殿堂(2)

时间:2017-06-11 14:14:09 英语阅读 我要投稿

2016届高考英语阅读题提升 艺术殿堂

  答案 C [由下文的“这一时刻她等了好多年了”来看,这里说的是女儿第一次演出。由于演唱会没有开始,结果未知,因此可排除选项A、B和D。]

  2.A.dance B.moment C.show D.party

  答案 B [由下文可知,Dorothy Brown也曾学习过音乐,但由于认识David并结婚而影响了自己在音乐方面的发展,现在正好让女儿来完成自己的心愿。由此可知,她“盼望这一时刻好多年了”。]

  3.A.voice B.face C.dress D.life

  答案 A [由“今天小女儿Lauren将举办演唱会”来看,此处说的是“她的声音真美”。]

  4.A.think of B.bring back

  C.go back D.come back

  答案 C [此处意为“女儿的演出使她想到了和女儿一般大的时候的事情”。下面是回忆自己以往学习音乐的情况。go back to the days...意为“回忆起……的日子”。]

  5.A.age B.friend C.mother D.teacher

  答案 A [表示“和Lauren年纪相仿时”,故选A。]

  6.A.musician B.pop star C.lady D.girl

  答案 D [由上文“she”可知选D。]

  7.A.French B.music C.piano D.dance

  答案 B [由上下文可知“她曾在法国、意大利和美国学习过音乐”。]

  8.A.actress B.student C.singer D.dancer

  答案 C [由上下文可知,此处是老师告诉她她以后有能力成为一名出色的歌唱家。]

  9.A.prepared B.learning C.driven D.waiting

  答案 A [前面说“你有能力成为一名出色的歌唱家”,现在话锋一转,“但是你必须准备好努力学习、刻苦勤奋很多年”。be prepared to do sth表示“准备做某事”。]

  10.A.some B.any C.no D.enough

  答案 C [这是老师继续说的话:你要把全部时间用于音乐,不能用在其他方面。]

  11.A.eight B.eighteen C.eighty D.eighty­eight

  答案 B [由Dorothy遇到了David并与他结婚来看,当时她的年龄不可能是8岁、80岁或88岁。当时Dorothy为18岁比较合理。]

  12.A.lucky B.sure C.afraid D.fond

  答案 B [此处指“她确信”。]

  13.A.fill B.live C.lead D.take

  答案 A [fill one's life意为“充实生活”。]

  14.A.heard B.knew C.talked D.thought

  答案 D [“有接近一年的时间,Dorothy什么也不想”,这里说的是她一心扑在学习音乐上。]

  15.A.saw off B.learned fromC.heard of D.met with

  答案 D [“她遇到了在欧洲旅游的David”。meet with意为“遇到,偶然碰到”。]

  16.A.love B.feeling C.music D.touch

  答案 A [从下文Dorothy也想嫁给他来看,这里说的是他们见面后不久就相爱了。fall in love(with sb/sth)意为“爱上某人或某物”。]

  17.A.assistant B.teacher C.wife D.student

  答案 C [从上文“他们相爱”可推测,此处说的是“David要她做他的妻子”。]

  18.A.him B.engineering C.herself D.music

  答案 D [Dorothy也想嫁给David,“但是她也爱音乐”,她不知道该怎么办。]

  19.A.certainly B.possibly C.only D.mainly

  答案 B [由“forget about”可知此处指“你二者不可能兼得”。possibly可以与can't连用,表示“不可能”。]

  20.A.thought B.hope C.purpose D.will

  答案 B [从上下文特别是“Now Lauren became a singer instead of her”可推测,Dorothy 想成为歌唱家的愿望由女儿实现了,故此处用hope。will往往含有“遗嘱,遗愿”的意思,在此不合情理。]

  维C 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分)





  The visual arts are those creations we can look at,such as a drawing or a painting,sculpture,architecture and photography,etc.Any one of these disciplines is a type of visual art.This is the simple explanation.However,the history of “the arts” is not so simple.

  “The arts”,as a term,has an interesting history.During the Middle Ages,the arts were only limited to seven in number and did not involve creating anything at which people looked.They were grammar,music,rhetoric,dialectic logic,arithmetic,geometry and astronomy.These seven arts were known as the fine arts,in order to distinguish them from the “useful arts”.Why? Only “fine” people—those who didn't do manual labor—studied them.

  At some point in the following centuries,people realized there was a difference between a science and an art.The phrase “fine arts” came to mean anything that had been created to please the senses. After losing the sciences,the list now included music,dance,opera and literature,as well as what we normally think of as “art”: painting,sculpture,architecture and the decorative arts.

  Within the world of the visual arts,people still make distinctions between “fine arts” and everything else—and it gets really confusing,at times.For instance,we'll talk about painting and sculpture,and automatically consider these as fine arts.The decorative arts,which are,sometimes,of a finer nature and craftsmanship than fine arts,are not called “fine”.